Lately, I have been thinking about how passive i've been blogging. But now, dear friends, it's time to change the course of my sorry life ! After all, it's a brand new year, new beginning, new luck and all that jazz. To prove my point I'd like to share my new year's resolutions with you
1. B etom godu, poka v Rossii, ya postarayus' pisat', chitat' i imenno govorit' na russkom. Xvatit finskogo i angliskogo! Budu xorosho zanimat'sya, i nye tol'ko na zanyatiyax no i na ulici. Xochu ponimat' russkoj dushi. Yesterday was a great beginning for this. i didn't end up in st.petersburg by accident now did i !
2. 2012 - a light year. i need to chill. the tensions i have carried on my back for the last months have stayed in 2011. i will no longer consider my life a failure although i am not entirely happy every day. time to flow and follow your intuition and just, well, smile more :) even though it's russia and people will think i'm mental
3. i will start to keep a track of my dreams. attempt of a dream diary vol.15 (and maybe write more in general)
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